Teen Ebike Pro Course Overview

The Teen Ebike Course gives kids the fundamental knowledge to be safe and responsible ebike drivers on the roads and bikeways of their communities. By learning the skills to make bicycling conflict-free and enjoyable, the next generation of bicyclists will hopefully continue to enjoy this active, low-cost, low-impact form of transportation. As a bonus, when teens become licensed to drive motor vehicles, they will be better informed motorists than most current adult drivers.

Course modules are built in a progression. Each lesson sets the stage for the next. Lesson videos are one to four minutes long, and include text and illustrations to accommodate different learning styles. A knowledge quiz at the end of each section reinforces learning.

Section 1: Knowing Your Equipment

The first section teaches students how to care for, inspect, and protect their ebikes. We also cover safety gear, and proper helmet fit.

1.1: What is an ebike?

Not all products sold as “ebikes” meet the legal definition of an electric bicycle. This matters, because devices that are not legal electric bicycles are often not street legal, and cannot be used on bike paths.

1.2: Battery Safety

Battery safety begins with purchasing a UL Certified battery. There are a few other tips to ensure safe charging and battery care that all ebike owners should know.

1.3: Caring for Your Ebike

In the format of the traditional ABC pre-ride check, students will learn how to find and maintain proper tire pressure and how to inspect brake pads, the drive train, and electronics. A common safety problem with ebikes is worn and damaged braking systems due to inexperienced owners.

1.4: Securing Your Ebike

Ebikes are expensive vehicles! This lesson introduces students to secure locks and locking techniques.

1.5: Safety Equipment

Our course aims to give students the skills to avoid crashes, but it’s still essential (and required) to protect their knowledgeable brains. Students will learn how to wear a properly fitted helmet. Loose straps and pushed-back helmets will not do their job. We also cover accessories like lights, mirrors and high-visibility clothing.

Section 2: Driving Your Ebike

When the rubber meets the road, safety rides on essential knowledge of how our traffic system works. This is a comprehensive section that begins with the rules of movement which make us predictable to one another. This section covers the laws that apply to sidewalk and road use, and the traffic controls we will encounter. We cover some basics of ebike operation and handling, and the different types of road designs and bicycle infrastructure teen riders might see.

2.1 Rules of Movement

Nine straightforward rules make our cooperative traffic system function. Most of us follow these rules without thinking. Since today’s teens grew up riding in the back seat – and perhaps preoccupied with smart phones – some elements of this lesson may be new to them.

2.2 Rights & Duties

This short lesson is an introduction to traffic law as it pertains to bicyclists. Bicycles are unique in that they can be operated on roads as well as on sidewalks and bikeways. Different rules apply based on where they are operated. Students are also introduced to the concept of Due Care and the Basic Speed Law.

2.3 Sidewalk & Crosswalk Laws

This lesson teaches the rules for using sidewalks and crosswalks, as well as yielding to crosswalk users when using the road.

2.4 Road Laws

This lesson specifically covers laws that pertain to bicyclists on the road. These laws will vary state by state, so there is a link to a directory of state statutes.

2.5.1 Lines, Signs, & Signals

There are so many lines and signs a road user will encounter. This is a primer of all kinds of pavement markings and what they mean.

2.5.2 Lines, Signs, & Signals

There are so many lines and signs a road user will encounter. This lesson covers all types of signs and lights, from stop signs to bikeway-specific traffic lights. It includes a lesson on safety at railroad crossing.

2.6 Getting Started

This lesson covers ebike handling essentials, from safe starting to controlled turning, braking, and throttle use.

2.7 Where to Ride

So many options! Sidewalks, sidepaths, bike lanes, bike paths, and streets of all kinds. This lesson covers what ebike riders need to know about these options.

Section 3: Avoiding Crashes

This is the heart of defensive bicycling. Bicycling is much safer than people think!d The one thing that increases risk is speed. Teen ebike riders learn how to avoid unforced errors (by following the rules of movement). Motorists make predictable mistakes, so we will cover the types of crashes they cause and how bicyclists can avoid them.

3.1 Speed and Stopping Distance

Students will learn how speed affects reaction time and stopping distance. Both can be improved by learning what to watch for and practicing proper braking technique.

3.2 Components of Defensive Ebike Driving

Students will learn the seven tools of operating space, visibility, relevance, vantage, communication, knowledge, and skill.

3.3 Get Really Good at Looking Back

Looking behind is an essential activity for riders on sidewalks and streets. Doing so without swerving is a skill that needs to be learned. In this short lesson students will learn the methods of turning around and a fun way to practice and reinforce with family and friends.

3.4.1 Crash Types & Countermeasures

These are the predictable mistakes that smart ebike riders can avoid. The first step in reducing crashes is eliminating unforced errors and understanding environmental crash hazards.

3.4.2 Crash Types & Countermeasures

Car drivers make mistakes. The good news is, their mistakes are predictable, and they happen in specific places. Students will learn how common crashes happen and simple defensive driving practices to avoid them.

3.5 High-Risk Situations

There are some specific high-risk situations that show up over and over again. We highlight those in this lesson.

Section 4: Riding With Friends

Bicycling is fun. It’s even more fun with friends! This lesson is an introduction to group riding essentials.

4.1 Safety Together

Students will learn in-group communication and safety practices.

4.2 Being Predictable & Courteous

Moving as a group on the road requires some coordination and communication with other road users. At CyclingSavvy, we teach the best practices of cooperative group riding to clubs and we bring the essentials here for teens.